Referral Form
MNT Diagnostics -
Nutrition Diagnostics & Specialist Dietetics
We will call the patient to organise their procedure. You will receive the diagnostic report within 48 hours post procedure.
Metabolism Scan - must be 6YO+ & 10kg+ OR any age but 15kg+
BIS Scan (Medical Body Composition) - must be 17YO+ and no electrical implant
Fasting for test is required for minimum 4 hours prior (see bottom of form for detailed preparation procedure)
Private Health | NDIS | Medicare | DVA Rebates Available
By submitting this form you confirm that you have gained the patients consent to share information via online form and have informed them that we will be in contact with them for booking.
Scans are clinically accurate, safe, radiation free, comfortable and quick. They do not require you to remove clothing or exercise. Our metabolism scan is a breath test using a mask. BI-Spectroscopy involves 2 electrodes on each of your wrists/ankles.
Preparation For Scans:
NIL for more than 4 hours before scan: food, caffeine, nicotine, large amounts of water, exercise (ideally no exercise or food for several hours before the scan)
Do not alter your medication regime
Those at risk of HYPOglycaemia/use insulin should not fast
(PEG/NG/Enteral feeding) do not supply feeds for 4 hours prior to scan (if safe to do so)
(Parenteral feeding) continue your regular regime
You are unable to undergo a B.I.S scan with a pacemaker, electrical implant or electrical protheses. Metabolism scans are safe for those with implants.